Philip Walsh was formerly a Dublin-born merchant who was dispossessed of his Ireland property and in about 1685 settled in St. Malo, in Brittany in north-western France on the English Channel. He grew rich building naval ships for the French service.

He subsequently entered the slave trade to which it is said the Stuarts introduced the Irish. They remained fervently loyal to the Jacobite cause.

In 1695 Philip married Anne, daughter of James Whyte of Waterford and had seven children. He died in 1708 and is said to have been buried in the harbour at Madagascar.

Personal History Details
Walsh, Phillip12. Aug. 1666Born into a Catholic family, probably in Dublin.
8. Dec. 1666Baptised in Dublin.
c 1686Capitaine marchand et Ct de navires corsaires
11. Jan. 1695It is not known where he married Anne Whyte.
He built several men-of-war and did considerable damage to the enemies of France in the Indian ocean, with the "Rubis" of 56 and the "Diligent" of 50 guns.
11. Sep. 1708He died at sea while returning home from a trading voyage.
1708He was buried at sea in the harbour at Madagscar.


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